Appendix B
automatically detect and self-install the new software (upon thin client system start). The
FTP server address and exact path to these files are specified in DHCP Options 161 and
162 (if DHCP is not used, the path is specified in the
Network Setup
dialog box on the
thin client).
Each time a thin client boots, it checks the software images on the FTP server, and if
configured, automatically performs an update if a newer version is detected. Whether or
not an update is performed depends on the
parameter setting in the wnos.ini file
as described in the
Reference Guide: Wyse ThinOS
INI Files
Be aware that there is a significant distinction between using DHCP and not using DHCP
to access the various necessary files as follows:
If DHCP is used, thin client software automatically inserts the path command
following what it receives from the DHCP server (unless the path is terminated by a
this is done only if a value is received from DHCP. The dollar sign character (
) acts as
a flag that notifies Wyse ThinOS that the absolute path has been given (that is, where it
expects to find Wyse ThinOS configuration files inside a “wnos” folder) instead of the
relative path (where it expects to find the general “wyse” configuration folder).
If DHCP is not used and the configuration is done manually, the full path up to the wnos
component must be inserted; there is no automatic
insertion and no
For users familiar with Wyse 3 series thin clients, the Wyse 3 series equipment does
processing on both DHCP and manual input, as well as
processing (as
is a legal
meta-character in manually entered strings). Wyse ThinOS software does not
recognize a
terminator as a legal meta-character in a locally entered string.
Citrix does not supply an ICA client for the Wyse thin client platforms. Citrix
ICA Auto-Update does not function for the ICA client installed on the thin
client; the ICA client is fully contained in the thin client system and can only
be updated by changing that entire system. The RDP client is also not
Interrupting power during the update process can corrupt the FLASH on the
thin client. Thin clients with corrupted FLASH must be shipped to Wyse for
Note the following thin client update processes:
Model SX0
: (Step 1) If called for, the thin client first searches in the wnos
directory for RCA_wnos. If this file exists with a different internally encoded
version number than the image currently in flash memory, and depending on
the wnos.ini file
parameter setting, the thin client will load this
image into flash and reboot. (Step 2) The thin client will then (regardless of
any circumstance in step 1) check for a file named
and begin
updates, if appropriate. If an update is done, the thin client will again reboot.
Model VX0
: (Step 1) If called for, the thin client first searches in the wnos
directory for a file named
. If this file exists with a different
internally encoded version number than the image currently in flash memory,
and depending on the wnos.ini file
parameter setting, the thin
client will load this image into flash and reboot. (Step 2) The thin client will
then (regardless of any circumstance in step 1) check for a file named
and begin updates if appropriate. If an update is done, the thin
client will again reboot.