Chapter 4
Display Resolution
- Select the display resolution for this connection (if you select the
Published Application
option, the
Connection Display
will allow you to select the
Seamless Display Resolution
640 x 480
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1152 x 864
1280 x 720
1280 x 768
1280 x 1024
1360 x 768
1366 x 768
1368 x 768
1440 x 900
1400 x 1050
1600 x 900
1600 x 1200
1680 x 1050
1920 x 1080
1920 x 1200
- Select the color depth of the ICA session. If
High Colors
(16bits) or
is selected and the ICA server does not support this color depth, the thin client
renegotiates the color depth to the lower value (for example, 256 Colors [8 bits]).
Window mode
Full screen mode
- Select the initial view of the application in a
windowed screen or full screen. You can toggle between viewing modes by using
Auto-connect on start-up
- When selected, automatically connects the session on
Re-connect after disconnect
- When selected, causes the thin client to automatically
reconnect to a session after a non-operator-initiated disconnect. If selected, the wait
interval is that set in the
Delay before re-connecting
box (enter the number of
seconds 1 to 3600) or the user profile for
(20 seconds) or
. The default is
20 seconds if there is no INI file description of this connection, or is a Stand-alone user,
or simply omitted.