Chapter 1
use them as a “starter set” (that you can modify for your users needs) to quickly get your
file server up and running. For information on using the sample files, refer to the
Reference Guide: Wyse ThinOS
INI Files
Reference Guide: Wyse ThinOS
INI Files
is intended for administrators of Wyse thin
clients running Wyse ThinOS. It provides the detailed information you need to help you
understand and use the Wyse ThinOS INI files. It contains information on the different
Wyse ThinOS INI files you can use and the rules for constructing the files. It also provides
the parameter details you need (with working examples) to get the most out of your Wyse
ThinOS INI files. In addition, this guide also includes an appendix that contains all of the
supported connect options you can use for ICA and RDP connections. It is available at:
Getting Started Guide: Wyse ThinOS
is intended for administrators of the Wyse ThinOS
system. It provides a setup and configuration overview of the entire Wyse ThinOS system
to help you get your Wyse ThinOS environment up and running quickly and easily. It is
available at:
Wyse Thin Computing Software is available on the Wyse Web site at:
Users Guide: Wyse ThinOS
has been discontinued and incorporated into this
Administrators Guide.
Wyse Online Community
Wyse maintains an online community where users of our products can seek and exchange
information on user forums. Visit the Wyse Online Community forums at: