Appendix A
DHCP and FTP Servers Available
As a network administrator in an environment where DHCP and FTP servers are
available, you can set up both DHCP and FTP network services and create “global” and
“user” INI files as described in the
Reference Guide: Wyse ThinOS
INI Files
A thin client is initially (new-thin client or reset thin client to default
configurations) configured to obtain its IP address and the location of the
FTP server from a DHCP server. DHCP can only be used for the Ethernet
Direct access and Wireless Direct access configurations.
A wnos.ini file contains the “global” parameters you want that will affect all
thin clients accessing the file server. A {username}.ini file contains the
user-specific or “user profile” parameters you want that will comprise the
connection profile for an individual user. For information on constructing
these INI files, refer to the
Reference Guide: Wyse ThinOS
INI Files
If Wireless Direct access is used, the
Wireless Setup
dialog box must also be configured
locally (see the
Users Guide: Wyse ThinOS
for wireless configuration instructions).
After DHCP and FTP servers are configured and available, simply connect the thin client
to the network (either directly through a network cable or through a wireless network
device), turn it on, and begin using the thin client. A sign-on name and password may be
required for access to the session services. If applications (published by Citrix PNAgent/
PNLite services) are available, a Domain name must be entered or selected from the list.
Connections or applications may start automatically if they are configured to automatically
start in the INI files.
If session connections or published applications are designated to open
automatically on start-up, upon accessing the enterprise server environment
you will see a session server log-in or server application window instead of
the thin client desktop. Use CTRL+ALT+UPARROW to toggle between
window display modes. Use CTRL+ALT+DOWNARROW to open a selection
box for toggling between the desktop, the Connect Manager, and
currently-active connections.
If the thin client accesses the enterprise server environment through a manually initiated
Dial-up, PPPoE, and/or PPTP VPN, the automation provided by a DHCP server is not
available. In such cases, refer to "FTP Server Available (DHCP Server Unavailable)" and
"FTP and Virtual Desktop Servers Unavailable (Stand-alone User or PNAgent/PNLite-only
User)" for configuration information.
If Dial-up, PPPoE, and/or PPTP VPN are automatically started, FTP server
services can be accessed through these connections.