P. 19 / 25
Burner Control CBR
b) Burner faults
Fault displayed on CBR by flashing red LED and following fault
Fault Code
Fault / Cause
Check / Resolution
F A2
Safety chain limits / permissives
Upstream combustion safety devices are
not on line; Burners are not permitted to
Check the limits and permissives
F A6
False flame signal detected by
ionization electrode or the UV-probe
Unusually long residual flare after burner
has turned off e.g. gas valve leakage;
UV-probe defective or aged;
Ground connection of ionization
Air purge orifices in the gas head plugged
Incorrect configuration of the CBR?
F A7
Flame loss during STS
(no flame established during start-up)
High Voltage!
Use caution when removing the spark
plug cap! Automatic restart attempts
will power the ignition transformer!
Check the gas and air flow volumes;
Check spark plug connection;
Is a spark generated, transformer OK?
Is the spark visible through the sight
Moisture present in the brass ignition
Remove the gas nozzle, ceramic tube,
ignition rod, disc for gas lance and check;
UV-probe defective?
Residual air in the gas piping?
Power connection (N and L1) reversed
F A8
Flame loss in start / flame operation
(flame lifts off during operation)
Check the gas and air flow volumes;
Compare differential pressures with those
stated on burner name plate;
UV-probe defective?
Check flame signal; Burner internals
With start/flame burners, switching
temperature for next mode in order?