The CE declaration of conformity is found on the
SIX Payment Services homepage at:
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in
this document is complete and exact at the date of printing.
Further developments in the field of electronic payment traffic
and technological progress could result in changes that might
deviate from the description in this user guide.
Consequently, SIX Payment Services Ltd accepts no responsi-
bility for the information provided in the operating instructions
being current, complete or correct. Further more, to the extent
permitted under the relevant legal provisions, SIX Payment
Services Ltd accepts no responsibility in connection with the
operating instructions.
The menu navigation on the terminal has been designed to
be self-explanatory, making this document necessary only in
case of emergency.
The latest version of the user guide, together with any updates,
can be found on our homepage at:
1.3 CE declaration of conformity