11.1 Layouts
WIRIS Agro implements several di erent Layouts - di erent arrangement of elements on screen. Each layout is
best suited for a par cular situa on or a use case. Selec on of the layout is up to preference of the user. The
underlying func onality of the camera remains mostly the same in all layouts.
11.1.1 Dualscreen
The DUALSCREEN layout is the WIRIS Agro’s default. It is designed for inspec on and measurement uses in mind.
The surface area of screens from cameras is the smallest and the saved space is used for presenta on of system
status and measured data.
Figure 11.6 – Dualscreen layout.
11.1.2 Fullscreen RGB
The FULLSCREEN layout shows only the visible camera stream over the en re screen. The informa on panels
are showed as transparent overlays and the CWSI graph and table is hidden. The fullscreen layout is designed
for quick orienta on in eld.
Figure 11.7 – Fullscreen layout.
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Real values may vary.