Greenstar 8000 Style – 6720883864 (2019/02)
[10] 300mm to an internal or external corner. 300mm above a
surface, such as the ground/ floor level or roof surface.
* If the terminal section is less than 150mm and has two screws
securing it to the elbow, the terminal section will not require a
supporting bracket.
[11] 300mm above, below and either side of an opening door, air vent
or opening window.
[12] Below ground level in an open lightwell. The flue must be at least
600mm from the opposing surface and have at least 300mm
clearance either side and below. The flue terminal must be no
more than 1000mm from the top of the lightwell.
[13] Flues should clear any LPG storage by 1,000mm horizontally and
300mm above.
[14] Proximity of flue duct outlet to boundaries, 2000mm distance to
an opening in adjacent building facing a terminal. BS 5440: Part
1 recommends that care is taken when siting terminal in relation
to boundary lines.
[15] 300mm from an opening or vented window, 150mm to a fixed
unvented window.
[16] The dimension below eaves, balconies and car ports can be
reduced to 25mm, as long as the flue terminal is extended to clear
any overhang. The telescopic flue joint of the terminal must be
sealed with suitable silicon sealant if it is external to the building.
▶ Installations in car ports are not recommended.
▶ The flue cannot be lower than 1,000mm from the top of a light well
due to the build up of combustion products.
▶ Dimensions from a flue terminal to a fanned air inlet to be determined
by the ventilation equipment manufacturer.
▶ A flue terminal guard shall be fitted whenever a terminal or air inlet is
fitted less than 2,000mm above ground, above a balcony or above a
flat roof to which people have access.
Plume re-direct and plume management terminal positions
Maximum and minimum plume management lengths:
▶ A minimum distance of 500mm must be maintained between the
plume management outlet and the flue air intake.
▶ The maximum plume management length is 4.5 metres for the
appliances detailed on the front of this manual.
▶ The 45° bend is equivalent to 0.5 metres of straight plume
management and the 90° bend is equivalent to 1.0 metres.
▶ All measurements are the minimum clearances required.
▶ Refer to “Horizontal flue terminal positions” for all concentric flue
terminal positions unless the flue position is specified in figure 28
“Plume re-direct and plume management terminal positions”.
▶ Terminals must be positioned so to avoid combustion products
entering the building.
▶ Support the flue at approximately one metre intervals and at a change
of direction, use suitable brackets and fittings.