11.11 Fitting of the Flue Assembly without access to the Terminal.
The rubber gasket kit is available from Worcester Heat Systems.
A larger diameter (150mm) opening in the wall is
required. Refer to Table 2.
Prepare the flue assembly as described in Section 11.8.
Fit the rubber sealing gasket centrally onto the terminal
assembly and tighten the clamp. Refer to Fig. 25.
Apply the plastic tape to the air duct to be in contact with the
external brickwork.
From inside push the assembly through the wall so that the
gasket flange is against the outer face. Refer to Fig. 25.
It may be necessary to adjust the legs of the flue centering ring.
Align the flue turret and push fully onto the socket on the
appliance. Tighten the clamping ring. Refer to Fig. 24.
Seal the gap around the duct at the inner wall face with the
flexible seal provided and make good.
11.12 Flue Bends.
90° and 45° bends are available. A maximum of two bends may
be used in addition to the first bend on the flue turret.
A 90° bend is equivalent to 750mm of straight duct.
A 45° bend is equivalent to 375mm of straight duct.
The maximum flue assembly is 2250mm with 1x90° bend and
1500mm with 2x90° bends.
Measure the lengths X,Y and Z. Refer to Fig. 26.
The maximum value of X using the turret assembly only is 506mm.
Reduce the ducts to the appropriate length eg. X = 406mm, cut
100mm from the air duct and 120mm (to cover the entry into the
45° or 90° elbow) from the flue duct. Refer to Fig. 27.
The flue system ducts between the elbows, dimension Y,
requires the socketed ends (of the first extension if two or more
are used) to be removed and the air and flue tubes to be cut to
the same length.
Cut the ducts to a length Y – 162mm. Refer to Fig.26.
The final section, dimension Z, of the flue system must include a
section of plain duct assembly eg. an extension assembly with
the sockets removed. Reduce the final section, including the
terminal assembly, by the appropriate amount eg:
Air duct Z - 81mm and the flue duct Z – 51mm. Refer to Fig.26.
If Z is less than 425mm it will be necessary to cut the air and flue
ducts of the extension to a plain length of 100mm and reduce
the length of the terminal assembly eg. Z=350mm - remove
75mm from the terminal assembly.
Fig. 24 . Flue Turret Fixing
1. Flue turret assembly
2. Clamp
3. Appliance
Fig. 25 . Terminal assembly for internal
fitting of the flue.
Flue Terminal
Rubber sealing
Clamping ring
Flue terminal
Air duct
Flue duct
Rubber sealing gasket
Fixing clamp
Fig. 26. Flue bends
Plain tube