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R MT-1 73 S e r ie s U se r G u id e
© 20 13 Wo hl e r Te c hn ol og i e s , In c . A l l r ig h ts re se rv ed .
RMT-173 Series
F ea t u r e s
The RMT-173 Series monitors provide the following features:
Multi-format analog and digital audio signals
Adjustment of the parameters for each channel
High-quality waveform and/or vector monitoring
Embedded SDI or stereo analog audio through speakers or
Audio bar graph meters, up to sixteen
Stereo analog audio line output of selected channel
Area, safety, and center markers
Closed captions for CVBS
Pre-set or user-adjustable color temperature per channel
Time code for SD/HD-SDI in ANC-packet form and D-VITC for
Dynamic OSD/IMD tally