8 21 10 0 :
RM T-1 73 S e r ie s U s e r G ui d e
© 2 01 3 Woh le r Te ch no lo g ie s, Inc . A ll ri g ht s re s e r v ed .
RM T - 1 73 Se r i e s
U n p a ck i n g a n d I n s t a l l a t i o n
Electrical Interference
Be careful to properly terminate/ground signals and avoid
mismatched cable types and other similar causes of undesired
reflections in digital signal systems. If severe enough, such reflections
can result in corruption of the digital data stream. As with any audio
equipment, maximum immunity from electrical interference requires
the use of shielded cable. The internal circuitry ground is connected to
the chassis.
The unit comes with a standard 12 VDC/5 A external power adapter
and connects an A/C mains power source (65W, 100 to 240 VAC, 50/
60Hz) through the IEC connector provided on the power adapter.
When the mains plug or appliance coupler is used as the disconnect
device, the disconnect device connection should remain accessible to be
Unpacking and Installation
While unpacking the components, verify that none of the components
are damaged. The selected stand or mounting kit comes in a separate
Also verify that the box contains all of the following:
HDMI 1.3 or 1.4 cable lengths of 2m (6 feet) are guaranteed
to work well. Four meters (12 feet) lengths of high quality
cable should work well enough, but is not guaranteed for all
situations. Longer HDMI cables often degrade signal
quality. Active extender transmitter/receiver pairs can be
used to cover long distances.