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R MT-1 73 S e r ie s U se r G u id e
© 20 13 Wo hl e r Te c hn ol og i e s , In c . A l l r ig h ts re se rv ed .
RMT-173 Series
U n p a c k i n g a nd I n s t a l l a t i o n
Adapter (12 VDC)
Power cord
User guide CDROM
Warranty card
The RMT-173 Series monitors come standard with either a table top
base (RMT-173-TT) or rack ears (RMT-173-RM). A standard VESA 100
pattern accommodates other user-supplied mountings, such as for
To install the table-top base, refer to
Figure 1–1
and the instructions that
follow. Refer to the instructions included with other mounts when
Figure 1–1
RMT-173-RM Bracket Installation