12.2 Replacing the filters
The sensible sensors are protected against condensate by different filters. The filters
must be replaced or dried regularly.
12.2.1 Coarse Filter
Fig. 64: Probe handle with gas probe
A coarse filter located in the probe handle
prevents soot from entering the hose. After
every measurement control if it is wet. Pro-
ceed as follows:
Pull the plexiglas plug out of the probe handle.
Use tweezers or a similar tool to remove the
filter from its chamber.
Press (not rub) the filter to remove humidity.
Replace the plexiglas filter into its old position.
After the working day, remove the coarse filter
and clean it by rinsing it in warm water. Dry it
12.2.2 Removing condensate
The condensate will be collected in the condensate trap. To remove the condensate
follow the steps below:
Fig. 65: Open the condensate trap com-
Open the condensate trap compartment as
follows: Press the cover on the right side (1)
and then pull it up (2).
Pull the condensate trap from the unit.
Plexiglas plug