8.10 SETUP
In the setup-menu the user can adjust the screen or the measurement process. In order
to see all parameters, scroll to the top or the bottom of the screen by sweeping the left
column with a finger.
In the main menu, click on the setup icon.
Fig. 57: Setup menu, the scroll bar shows
that there are more parameters available.
The analyzer will enter the setup menu. 7 of
the 13 parameters are displayed.
Sweep the left column with a finger to navi-
gate through the setup menu.
To change a parameter click on the corre-
spondent key in the right column.
Click on "OK" to save the new setting before
leaving the setup menu.
The following options are available:
Option "Date"
Change the current date of the analyzer's internal
calendar with day, month and year.
Option "Time"
Change the current time of the analyzer's internal
clock (24 h mode) with hours and minutes.
Option “Date format”
Select a date format. Possible options are
dd.mm.yyyy / mm.dd.yyyy
Option “Time format”
Select a time format.
Possible options are 24 h / 12 h