Operating the Wöhler BC 600 via the app
Fig. 61: Overview multi-point test
An overview of all measurements is displayed.
However, only those measurements that have
already been measured are entered (here “nega-
tive pressure measurement”):
Compensation functions to calculate the leakage
Air flow coefficient C
Flow exponent n
Air leakage coefficient (C leak)
Air leakage rate V
Air change rate n
Air permeability qE
To return to the measurement values tap the re-
spective arrow on the blue softkeys. If necessary,
you can repeat the individual pressure step
If you have initially carried out a negative
pressure or a positive pressure measurement,
you can now start the remaining measurement
(a positive pressure measurement in the ex-
ample). To do so there is no need to change
the test setup, because the fan automatically
changes direction.
The sequence of the positive pressure measure-
ment does not differ from that of the negative
pressure measurement.
Once the measurement is completed tap the
“Leakage curve” button to display the leakage
Tap SAVE if you wish to save the measure-
ment results.
You will now switch to Customer management,
see chapter 8.4
Select the customer, the project and the object
under which you wish to save the measure-
ment data and then tap Save (or create a new