The following modes can be selected from the menu, here:
MENU ITEM 0 (no short push) – reboot
MENU ITEM 1 (1x short push) – restoring the default configuration
MENU ITEM 2 (2x short push) – restoring the factory configuration
MENU ITEM 3 (3x short push) – exit from menu
Then after the selection, the choosed menu item number is flashed by the KERNEL led (e.g. flashing
twice in case of selecting the MENU ITEM 2). Then you need to acknowledge the choosen menu
item for executing by a longer 6sec Reset push.
Some examples:
a.) RESTART the router:
- The router must be operating
- Push the RESET for 4sec (entering the service mode) – KERNEL led is lighting (
- Push the RESET again for 6sec (selected: mode 0 (
restart) and acknowledge your selection)
- The router will restarts itself immediately
b.) Restoring the DEFAULT configuration to the router:
- The router must be operating
- Push the RESET for 4sec (entering the service mode) – KERNEL led is lighting (
- Push the RESET again once for 1sec (selected: mode 1 (
restoring default config))
- KERNEL led (red) is flashing once per second
- Push the RESET again for 6sec (acknowledge your selection)