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PM.2.004922.EN - 810-000-000 SRS DC-PWM
· Edition 22 July 2020
Confidentiality agreement Disclaimer
The software/hardware "Sematic SRS DC-PWM
" and all the relevant information, ideas, concepts and know-how are confidential and the
exclusive property of Sematic.
All information relevant to this instruction manual and any other support supplied by Sematic must be kept confidential and proprietary
to Sematic and shall not to be copied or reproduced in any form whatsoever.
Any information contained in the "Sematic SRS DC-PWM
" shall not be disclosed to anyone, without Sematic's written consent apart
from authorized representatives employed by the user which commits itself to the confidentiality clause.
The Company that makes use of the Sematic SRS DC-PWM
, binds itself not to use confidential informations owned by Sematic and not
to compile or re-engineer the Sematic SRS DC-PWM
and any information in it contained.
Sematic regards all the information contained in this instruction manual to be correct at the time of printing. This information does
not constitute any obligation to Sematic and can be modified without prior notification. Sematic cannot be held responsible for any
possible damages or claims caused to items or persons due to errors or misunderstandings within the contents of this instruction