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By electronic control of destructive heat in the temperature range between 90 °C and
110 °C, benign cervical changes, e. g. the cervical epithelium growing at the wrong
place, is destroyed down to the matrix without pain. After thermic destruction of
misplaced tissue, the epithelium is replaced after 4
– 6 weeks by nonkeratinized
pavement epithelium, provided that simultaneous sanitation of the vaginal flora has
taken place.
The different types of therapy probes are to be used as follows (
Recommendations for
the type of application
Large-area erythroplakia is coagulated with probe A for approx. 20 to 30 seconds at
a temperature between 90 °C and 100 °C depending on extension and depth.
The area slightly protruding into the os uteri is coagulated by probe B to avoid
If minor erythroplakial changes have occurred, probe B has to be used only.
Small endometriosis foci need to be coagulated with probe C.
Large areas of Ovula Nabothii are initially coagulated with probe A followed by
lancing with a scalpel blade and by removing of retention flem.
The base of the retention cyst producing secretion is destroyed by probe B.
Chronical cervicitis is repeatedly treated with probe D at approx. 60
– 70 °C.
Probe E serves for cervical destruction of tissue in the cavum uteri, e. g. partial
Ablatio endometrii.
Probe F and G serve for coagulation of particularly configured displacements
[1] Research Study:
„Impiego del Termocoagulatore di SEMM nella terapia della condilomatosi genitale subclinica“.
Daniele Pungetti, Maria Adelaide Calderara, Giovanni Vicini. II Div. Ost/Gin. Osp. Maggiore (sez.
D´Azeglio), Bologna, Italia. Primario : Prof. Ettore Zanardi. 1991
[2] Research Study:
„Die Therapie der gutartigen Erythroplakie durch gezielte Koagulation“ von Kurt Semm, vom Juni
[3] Research Study:
„Die kolposkopische und zytologische Differentialdiagnose mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der
atypischen Umwandlungszone“ from Dr. med. Koloman Schlagetter of the journal „Der
Frauenarzt“, Issue 1, Januar 1977
[4] Research Study:
„Beurteilungskriterien für die kolposkopische Diagnostik der Cervix uteri“ from H.-H. Riedel and K.
Semm aus special print of
„der Arzt im Krankenhaus“ , Issue 6/83