Questions and
What is the typical power consumption?
300mA average, 320mA maximum.
Is there a warranty?
All BlackBox products are covered by a standard 12 month full war-
ranty from the purchase date when you register your products. You
can register either at
or by sending the sup-
plied warranty card to Wireless Solution Sweden AB at the address
shown on the rear cover.
Can the antenna be mounted away from the transmitter
or receiver?
Yes, there are indoor and outdoor cables available in lengths from
0,5m to 30m (1.6 to 98 feet).
Will the receivers stay logged on to the transmitter if the
DMX signal is lost?
Yes, even if the DMX signal is interrupted the receiver(s) will remain
logged in.
Will the units stay logged in to each other if power is cut?
The log-in information is stored in an EEPROM and will not be
erased. No battery backup is needed. In theory, the units stay
logged in forever.
In an operational system, can I log on an additional
receiver without disrupting DMX transmission to other
This is not possible with the BlackBox unit. Logging on an addi-
tional receiver will make the logged-in units revert to idle mode
for 10 seconds; once the new units are logged-in they will all start
again together with the new unit.
What is the difference between Multicast and Point to Point?
Multi-cast transmitting to multiple receivers simultaneously. Point
to Point data is a single path of data transmission.
What is FHSS?
Short for Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum - Frequency hop-
ping techniques, in which the transmitter jumps from sub-channel
to sub-channel at rapid pace, were first used by the U.S. Military.
Such techniques were developed precisely because they are
difficult to disrupt and, unless you know the frequency hopping
sequence, practically impossible to intercept. Spread spectrum
techniques have two main advantages: Firstly, they are more resist-
ant to interference than conventional systems. Secondly, they can
be used to provide multiple access functionality.
Does W-DMX support on-site service with technical docu-
mentation after visit?
Wireless Solution and/or its distributors offer Cell Planning Service
for larger projects. Please contact your local distributor for a quote.
This is highly recommended for all larger projects to save time and
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