Long key Time Setup
Users can set the time of long key by programming software,this product have 1.0-2.5 seconds (strp is 0.5S) time of long key to
choose .
Voice Prompt
Voice prompt function is a function for confirming input operation,wrong operation or fault state .
There are three kinds of beep,Beep,Chinese report and English Report.Users can setup the desired voice prompt by programming
Time-out Timer
The purpose of the Time-out Timer is to prevent any caller from using a channel for an extended period of time. If you continuously
transmit for a period of time that exceeds the programmed time set in advance, the transceiver will stop transmitting with voice
Users can set TOT timer by programming software.
Time-out Timer Pre-Alarm
The Time-Out Timer Pre-Alarm is to alarm users that overtime transmission is going to happen.
Users can program desired TOT Pre-Alarm time by programming software.
Auto Power-off
Users can set up the time of auto power-off by programming software. The transceiver has 4 kinds of time 30MIN,1H,2H,4H to
choose .