From menu number 5, se lect the ap pro pri ate ROM im age file for mat that your
EPROM pro gram mer ac cepts. Se lect ing the Bi nary ROM im age file for mat will re sult in
the small est files. MKDISK will then read the speci fied floppy disk ette and cre ate a
ROMx.HEX or ROMx.S19 where x is the ROM number in the se quence (start ing with 1)
and the ex ten sion (.BIN, .HEX, .S19) in di cates the out put for mat for Bi nary, Hex, and
Mo torola re spec tively.
If more than one file is cre ated, it means that the disk will span more than a sin gle
EPROM. Once the ROM has been cre ated us ing the im age file, in stall the ROM, jumper
for cor rect ROM size, and en able the Sili con Disk boot op tion. The next power up should
re sult in a boot from the A : Sili con Disk. The ac tual floppy drive (if pres ent) will then be
avail able as drive B :.
Bootable RAMDISK usage
The PCM- 586 sup ports a boota ble RAM DISK of 512K bytes in size. A 512K X 8 Static
RAM/PEROM can be in stalled in the board at U3. Once the RAM/PEROM is in stalled, the
de vice jump ers should be ap pro pri ately set as de scribed in sec tion 2.15. Af ter power up, it
is nec es sary to con fig ure the sili con disk for the ac tual size of the drive us ing the SSDINIT
util ity. SSDINIT is in voked at the DOS com mand line with :
B: ] disk_size[K
The K or M ar gu ments are op tional and are ac tu ally ig nored. Val ues be low 32 are
as sumed to be in Mega bytes while val ues above 32 are ass umed to be in Ki lo bytes. An
ex am ple might help to clar ify. To pre pare a 512K FLASH or SRAM disk for for mat ting
type :
Page 4-4
- "The Embedded Systems Authority"
MKDISK - Solid State RomDisk Creation Utility V6.00
(C) 1988-1994, WinSystems Inc.
Binary Image Files
Hex ROM Image Files
S-Record ROM image files
Use arrow keys and ENTER to make your selection.
MKDISK - Output Menu
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