Real Time Clock Calendar
The PCM- 586 con tains an on board Clock/Cal en dar from Dal las Semi Con duc tor. The
DS12885S is fully com pati ble with the MC146818A used in the origi nal PC- AT
com put ers. This clock has a number of fea tures in clud ing pe ri odic and alarm interru pt
ca pa bili ties. In ad di tion to the Time and Date keep ing func tions, the sys tem
con figu ra tion is kept in CMOS RAM con tained within the clock sec tion. This RAM holds
all of the setup in for ma tion re gard ing hard and floppy disk types, video type, shad ow ing,
wait states, etc. Ref er to the sec tion on the Award BIOS Setup for com plete in for ma tion
on what is con fig ured via the CMOS RAM.
It may be come nec es sary at some time to make the CMOS RAM for get its cur rent
con figu ra tion and to start fresh with fac tory de faults. This may be ac com plished by
re mov ing power and the board from the sys tem. Then re move the jumper from J6 pins 1-2
and place on pins 2-3. Then short all 3 pins of J7 together for 2 sec onds. Re place the
jumper at J6 to its origi nal po si tion, re in stall the board, power up, and re con fig ure the
setup as desired.
J6 must al ways be re in stalled. The sys tem will not func tion cor rectly with out
this jumper in stalled. If no battery is installed, jumper J6 pins 2-3.
Keyboard Interface
The PCM- 586 con tains an on board PC- AT style key board con trol ler. Con nec tion is
made through the Multi-I/O con nec tor at J4. An adapter ca ble, P/N CBL- 162-1, is
avail able from Win Sys tems to make ready ac cess to all of the de vices ter mi nated at the
Multi-I/O con nec tor. Us ers de sir ing cus tom con nec tions should ref er to the Multi-I/O
con nec tor pin defi ni tions given later in this man ual.
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- "The Embedded Systems Authority"
1 2 3
o o o
Master Battery Enable
Jumper J6
1 2 3
o o o
Battery Backup
Jumper J7
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