PCM-586 Silicon Disk Reference
Win Sys tems pro vides Sili con disk sup port for the PCM- 586 us ing four dif fer ent me dia
types de pend ing on the needs of the ap pli ca tion.
1. The PCM- 586 pro vides sup port for a boota ble ROM DISK with a size of up to 1
Mega byte. A sim ple disk im ag ing tech nique al lows for the easy crea tion and main te nance
of ROM DISKs. Since the boota ble ROM DISK is an ex act im age of a boota ble floppy
disk ette, all test ing and de bug ging can be ac com plished us ing a floppy drive. Once the
ap pli ca tion is ready for ROM, it’s a sim ple mat ter to use the MKDISK util ity to cre ate the
EPROM files nec es sary for the boota ble ROM DISK equiva lent of the func tion ing floppy
disk ette.
2. In ap pli ca tions re quir ing oc ca sional pro gram or data up dates, PEROM (Flash)
disks of 512K bytes may be used as the boot me dia. On board sup port is pro vided for the
for mat ting, read ing, and writ ing of the Floppy drive emu lat ing PEROMs.
3. For ap pli ca tions need ing to log data, up date the ap pli ca tion, or for con ven ience
dur ing de vel op ment, bat tery-backed SRAM may be used as the boot m edia with a size of
512K bytes.
4. The PCM- 586 sup ports the M- Systems Disk On Chip de vice (DOC). These are sin gle
chip de vices con tain ing the BIOS Ex ten sion, True Flash File Sys tem (TrueFFS), and a
Flash ar ray rang ing in size from 2 Mega byte to 72 Mega bytes. These de vices emu late a
Hard disk at the BIOS level.
MKDISK is a menu driven util ity for cre at ing the ROM im age du pli cat ing the desired
floppy disk ette. MKDISK is in voked at the DOS com mand line with :
Se lect the USSD mode from menu number 1. The other menu op tions are used with
other Win Sys tems Sili con Disk sys tems and are NOT com pati ble with the PCM- 586
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