Pri mary Se rial Port
This option, when disabled, turns off the com port at 3F8H and allows access to IRQ4
on the PC/104 Bus. The avaialable choices are :
En able
Dis able
Secondary Serial Port
This option, when disabled, turns off the com port at 2F8H and allows access to IRQ3
on the PC/104 Bus. The available choices are :
En able
Dis able
Par al lel Port IRQ7
This option, when enabled, connects IRQ7 to the onboard parallel port. When disabled
IRQ7 is available on the PC/104 Bus. The available choices are :
En able
Chipset Features Setup
The op tions in this sec tion con trol the chipset pro gram ming at boot time. In most
cases, the de fault set tings should be used un less you have a clear un der stand ing of the
sig nifi cance of the change. It is pos si ble us ing these op tions to cre ate a sys tem that will
ei ther not boot at all or is very un sta ble or un re li able. If this should oc cur, there are two
al ter na tives to re turn the sys tem to a sta ble con figu ra tion. If the sys tem works well
enough to get into setup, sim ply choose the “Load BIOS De faults” op tion and then “Save
and Exit Setup” to re store to fac tory de faults. If the sys tem will not run well enough to
enter setup, it will be nec es sary to re move the bat tery source tem po rar ily. Ref er to sec tion
2.12 for de tails on re ini tial iz ing the CMOS RAM.
Each of the op tions for the Chipset Fea tures Menu will be briefly dis cussed in the
pages that fol low.
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