WindSonic Doc No 1405 PS 0019 Issue 25 February 2017
Select the required COM Port from the drop down list.
Select the required Baud rate from the drop down list.
Parity should be set to None.
If the Baud rate setting of the Anemometer is unknown then the Auto Find button can be
used to interrogate the Anemometer and detect the required setting.
Click on the Connect button.
Data should scroll on the screen as follows (Data button).
WindSonic Doc No 1405 PS 0019 Issue 25 February 2017
Clicking on the Anemometer 1 Windsock button gives the following display.
To Change WindView Display Settings
Click on the top of Screen menu Settings.
To change displayed units select and click on required measurement units. If for instance the
sensor data was outputting metres per second data then WindView performs the calculation
to convert and display the output in knots/mph/kph etc.