WindSonic Doc No 1405 PS 0019 Issue 25 February 2017
Y1, Y2 and Y3 settings are implemented in firmware version 2368-110-01 and
The Y command is not reported in the D3 string, a Terminal Program is used to set
up the Y Command.
When setting Y2 or Y3 level note that there is a space character after Y2 or Y3 and
before the nnn value e.g. Y2 150.
For instance if the unit is set for 0-5v analogue outputs and it is required to report a
fixed voltage level of 3.75v under error conditions (Y2 150) then:-
Open a terminal program (e.g. HyperTerminal, Tera Term or Gill Wind Software
(Wind Wizard not applicable)) at the matching COM Port connection and Baud
Type * to place the unit into CONFIGURATION MODE.
Type Y2 150 and press the Enter key.
Type Q and press Enter to return to Measurement Mode.
To check the Y settings then in Configuration Mode Type Y and press the Enter
key and the unit will report Y1 or the full Y2 or Y3 setting e.g.
Y2 0 (=Y2 000)
Y2 1 (=Y2 001)
Y2 10 (=Y2 010)
Y2 100 (=Y2 100)
WindSonic Doc No 1405 PS 0019 Issue 25 February 2017
Gill Wind Software may be used to configure the WindSonic; alternatively, the user may
elect to use another terminal emulator package such as Windows HyperTerminal. This
section describes the commands used to change User and Communications settings.
10.1 Wind
Wind software is available on the supplied CD or to download, free of charge, from the Gill
Instruments Limited website
Wind software allows the unit configuration to be changed and to be able to display the
Digital Data String on a PC screen.
NOTE: Wind is not compatible with WindSonic Option 4 – SDI-12 or WindSonic units
prior to serial number 08100001 with a yellow or blue tab adjacent to the North Marker.
Connect both WindSonic transmit and receive data lines to the PC to establish 2 way
Open Wind Software and select the appropriate Com Port from the drop down menu and
click on OK to reach the data screen.
If data is not correctly displayed then on the Menu click on Tools/Synch Comms.
The Sensor will be interrogated and Sensor Baud Rate and Mode settings detected and
Wind software settings will be adjusted to match those of the sensor to show data scrolling
on screen.
If after Synch Comms there is still a problem, repeat Synch Comms or switch off the sensor
and switch back on again and repeat above procedure.
Note: - It is also possible to use Wind as a Terminal Program and change settings using
the Configuration Mode of operation (Commands are listed in Para’s 10.4 to 10.7.1).