SLC Chapter 7 Power Options
The WinBook features the ability to run on AC power or the rechargeable internal battery for
maximum convenience when at home or in the office or out and about with no access to a power
supply. To maximize the efficiency of battery usage the WinBook also comes with a number of
power conservation features, some of which can be tailored to your particular requirements.
Using the AC Adapter/Charger
When you have access to AC power you should normally use the AC adapter provided with your
WinBook in order to save the battery for use when power is not available. The supplied AC
adapter can be plugged into any power source from 90 volts to 240 volts since it is auto-adjustable.
When you turn on your system, as long as the AC power adapter is connected, power will be
derived from this power supply and the battery will remain unused.
If the main power is accidentally cut off, or the cable is unplugged either from the WinBook or
from the AC power outlet, the system will automatically switch to battery use with no break in
operation. Thus, the on-board battery provides an Uninterruptible Power Supply (U.P.S.) function
during AC power operations.
Using the Battery
The WinBook can also be run off the battery supplied, so you can use your system even when no
AC power is available. The battery is inserted into the battery cavity in the WinBook that is
accessed by removing the battery cover.
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3/2/99 10:07 AM
SLC Chapter 7 Power Options
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