Chapter 3: Data Storage Devices
The data storage devices included on your WinBook consist of a 1.44 Megabyte (M) 3.5” floppy
disk drive; one hard disk drive (optional); one Type 1/Type 2 IC card slot. It is via the disk drives
and IC card slot that you can load different programs to run on your computer, and store the data
that you create.
In this chapter we give a brief introduction to the use of floppy disk drives and diskettes, hard
disks and IC cards for those of you who are new to computing. If you are an experienced
computer user you will probably already be familiar with this information, and may skip this
chapter. If you are a new user, then we recommend that you read this chapter to get an overall
understanding of the basic use of disk drives and diskettes.
Floppy Disk Drives and Diskettes
Floppy disk drives are so called because they use flexible diskettes, which can be inserted and
taken out as required. They can be broadly divided into two types – 5.25” and 3.5”. This
measurement refers to the size of the diskette that is used with each type, through your WinBook
uses only the smaller 3.5” drive. This does not impose any limitation on the software you can
use, since all popular software packages are available in both 5.25” and 3.5” packages.
The location of the floppy disk drive is shown in Figure 3-1.