toggled On or OFF, and whether the Fn key has been pressed.
When Num Lock is toggled on (the Num Lock LED in the control panel will illuminate), the
M, J, K, L, U, I, O, 7/&, 8/*, and 9/(keys will function as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
respectively. Thus, with the NUM LOCK toggled ON, if you press the “k” key a 2 will
appear on your screen just as if you pressed the five key in the typewriter keys. In addition,
the ./> key becomes “.” (decimal point); the //? key becomes “/” (division sign); the ;/: key
becomes “+”; the P key becomes “-” (minus); and the 0/) key becomes “*” (multiplication
sign). With Num Lock on the numeric keypad is especially convenient for users who
frequently need to use the keypad as a calculator function.
To return these keys to their normal letter functions, simply press Num Lock a second time.
The Num Lock LED will go out indicating that the Num Lock function has Ben terminated.
Fn plus the Numeric Keypad
If you press these keys with the
key depressed then a different function is accessed. If you
press and hold the
key the ./>, M, J, K, L, U, O, 7/&, 8/* and 9/(keys become Del, Ins,
End, Cursor Down, PgDn, Cursor Left, Cursor Right, Home, Cursor Up and PgUp keys
respectively. The functions accessible by pressing the function key are printed on the relevant
keys enclosed in a box, and duplicate the functions of the cursor keys described earlier.
Hot Keys
<Ctrl> <Alt> F8
Toggles the display of screen images between normal contrast mode and automap contrast
mode. In automap contrast mode, your computer adjusts the contrast automatically for certain
applications software, such as Microsoft Windows.
<Ctrl> <Alt> F9
Toggles the display of screen text between normal video mode (black text on white
background) and reverse video mode (white text on black background).
<Ctrl> <Alt> F10
If you connect an external CRT VGA monitor, press and hold down the <Ctrl> and <Alt>
keys and press the F10 function key to toggle between Auto, LCD, CRT
and SimulSCAN
display modes. In Auto Mode, if an external CRT is connected, the display will automatically
switch to the CRT monitor; in LCD mode, the display will appear only on the LCD; in
SimulSCAN mode, the display will appear on both displays at the same time.
Common Key Combinations
As we have already mentioned, in addition to their individual functions, some keys can be
used in combination with other keys to provide special functions. And, as in the case of the
keys, some keys only function when pressed in combination with other keys.
Before reading about some of the more common key combinations, however, please
remember one thing. As you start to use various software packages you will quickly learn