The External CRT Monitor Port
The external CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitor port is located behind the right-hand cover on the
rear of the 486SX/DX-WinBook as shown in the illustration below. To gain access to the external
monitor connector, simply pull the cover open.
Fig. 6-2 Locating the External CRT Monitor Port
The External CRT monitor port supports the connection of any analog VGA compatible monitor.
You cannot connect a digital monitor such as a conventional monochrome, CGA or EGA monitor,
to this port. The IBM VGA standard is an analog signal, and only an analog monitor will work
with the WinBook. If you have a multi-frequency monitor this probably supports both digital and
analog modes. If you wish to connect such a monitor to the 486SX/DX-WinBook you must
configure the monitor in analog mode.
To connect an external monitor, first turn your WinBook off. Connect the 15-pin D-connector
cable from the monitor to the external monitor port, and secure the connector in place by
tightening the two screws. Now turn your system on again and turn the power to the monitor on.
With an external monitor connected, you may toggle the display between the external CRT, the
LCD and both at the same time by pressing the < Ctrl> < Alt> F10 key combination.
The Serial Port
The serial port is located behind the left-hand cover on the rear. To gain access to the serial port,
open the hinged cover.
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