Publication Release Date: July 08, 2010
- 43 - Revision F
Erase Resume (7Ah)
The Erase Resume instruction “7Ah” must be written to resume the Sector or Block Erase operation after
an Erase Suspend. The Resume instruction “7Ah” will be accepted by the device only if the SUS bit in the
Status Register equals to 1 and the BUSY bit equals to 0. After issued the SUS bit will be cleared from 1
to 0 immediately, the BUSY bit will be set from 0 to 1 within 200ns and the Sector or Block will complete
the erase operation. If the SUS bit equals to 0 or the BUSY bit equals to 1, the Resume instruction “7Ah”
will be ignored by the device. The Erase Resume instruction sequence is shown in figure 23.
Resume instruction is ignored if the previous Erase Suspend operation was interrupted by unexpected
power off. It is also required that a subsequent Erase Suspend instruction not to be issued within a
minimum of time of “t
” following a previous Resume instruction.
Figure 23. Erase Resume Instruction Sequence Diagram