Installation and operating instructions WILO Mather and Platt
Lower the rotating element assembly into casing take
care o
f ‘O’ ring (4250
-1) (Place the frame adaptor in
vertical position for ease of assembly)
Fit all studs and nuts of the casing, back cover and frame
Check the free rotation of shaft
Locate the motor stool (4680) on the frame adaptor
Fasten the drive end bearing cover (2753) assembly to
frame adaptor (1193)
Fit the coupling key (3250) tightly, fit the gasket on front
and back side of the impeller
Assemble the pin and bush coupling (4630) onto the shaft
Fit all studs and nuts of the coupling, frame adaptor and
motor stool
Assemble the suitable motor over the motor stool (4680)
and fasten the studs and nuts of the motor and motor
9.5 Recommended spare parts
In case of standard operation, we recommend the
following list of spare part regarding the period of
It is strongly recommended to purchase the original
spares parts from <WILO>. In order to avoid any mistake,
we invite you to supply with any spare parts demand, the
information mentioned on the data plate of the pump and
/ or motor.
Please refer the below table for the spare part