Installation and operating instructions WILO Mather and Platt
Technical Data of MISO - PISO Pumps
: Pressure Gauge;
6B1: Casing Drain
8B1: Gland Drain; 11L: Constant level oiler; 11D: Oil Drain
Sealing system
To prevent leakage along the shaft at the point of
emergence from the pump casing, gland packing, or
mechanical seals may be fitted in the stuffing box
situated at each end of the casing.
Gland Pack
For correct operation of the pack gland as light leakage
(40-60 drops per minute) is essential. If the leakage is
reduced too much by re-tightening the packing, the
packing rings will be destroyed.
Mechanical Seal
During running, a slight leakage may occur. If the pump is
equipped with an external flush, quench or heating, the
flush, quench or heating supply has to be switched on
before the pump is started. The mechanical seal must be
allowed to cool before the next restart.