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Auto-Detect Mortality
This parameter monitors for three mortality conditions:
Floater—the tag is floating at the surface (constant depth of 0)
Sitter—the tag is sitting at a constant depth
Sinker—the tag remains below a certain depth
Upon satisfying any one of these conditions, the tag automatically initiates release. To monitor for
mortality, configure the following:
Select a depth threshold that the tag must exceed before monitoring for detachment.
Optionally, select the depth that the tag must remain below to be considered a sinker.
Select the duration—this sets how long each of the depth criteria must be maintained before a
release will occur. The pin burn will occur after the specified time has elapsed, not at 20:00 UTC like
the scheduled release.
Select the variance—variance is used here in a statistical sense (see example below). Be mindful of
the tidal activity in your study area. A tag stuck on the bottom will detect some minor depth
changes as tides change the water depth. If you choose a range that is too small for local tidal
conditions, the tag will not initiate a conditional release when it is stuck or sitting on the bottom.
Figure 7—Tag release settings.
The release settings shown in Figure 7 will result in the following:
The tag will release 150 days after deployment.
The tag will release if it exceeds 10 meters in depth and then meets any of the following criteria: