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The information contained in these documents is confidential, privileged and only for the information of the intended recipient and may
not be used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent of Wildlife Computers.
The Argos Transmitter test allows for a full system test to confirm that the tag is successfully sending
messages to the Argos satellites. Click on the Advanced Tab then Argos Transmitter Test.
Seconds Offset: If you will be testing multiple tags at one time, you can use this parameter to offset
transmissions so the tags will not transmit at the same time.
Transmit Count: How many times you want the tag to transmit. 120 transmissions at a 60 second
interval will provide a 2-hour test, which is usually enough to coincide with a couple of satellite
passes. Check the satellite passes in your area prior to beginning the test.
Seconds Apart: The time between each transmission. The usual repetition rate for a MiniPAT is 60
When all of the tags are setup and deployed, take them outside where they have a full view of the sky. For
best results, float the MiniPATs in a bucket of saltwater. The test will run until complete or until the tag is
reset with a magnet or Tag Agent.
Using Tag Portal to Select Settings Remotely
Tag Portal is the cloud-based service offered by Wildlife Computers for remotely selecting tag settings.
Configuring can be done without connecting to your tag. This enables project coordinators to review and
select settings for their associates and programming to be done while tags are in transit, before arrival.
When logged into your Portal account, a list of the tags which you have administrator power over can be
viewed under the “My Tags” tab. To select settings, click on the serial number of the tag you wish to
configure or use the pencil icon.