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Clearing the MiniPAT Memory
The memory archive is cleared automatically when a new deployment is Started (Tag set to Start, then put
into Standby or Stop, and then Started once again). The LED will indicate that the tag is clearing the archive
with many rapid blinks.
Be mindful of this when selecting the tag state. If a tag is recovered, be sure to download the data prior to
putting back in Start mode.
Checking Sensor Readings & Transmission Test
The sensor values displayed on the Tag Agent home screen are continuously updated from the tag. Sensor
functionality can be validated by manipulating the sensors as follows:
Ambient Temperature—responds quickly to warm air blown onto the thermistor located
immediately above the communications port.
Internal Temperature—this will change slowly as the entire tag changes temperature. Leaving a tag
in a refrigerator for a while will change the value.
Wet/Dry—connecting a wire from the large rectangular ground plate strap above the
communication port to the metal ring around the base of the antenna (letters i and h respectively
in Figure 2) should change the value from over 200 to less than 20.
Light-level—under typical office lighting, covering both light sensors (shiny squares on opposite
sides of tag, letters d and j in Figure 2) with your fingers should drop the value by 20 to 40 counts.
Test Transmission
Under the Advanced button on the top menu there’s an option to Send Test Transmission. When selected,
a pop-up box with transmission values will appear.
Figure 14
Test transmission results.
The Battery Voltage value will be lower in the pop-up box than on the Tag Agent home screen because it is
measured when the battery is driving a transmission. The Transmit Current will vary depending on the
presence of conductive objects near the tag. It has been optimized for a tag that is floating in seawater.
Transmit Count is the number of transmissions the tag has made since it was manufactured.
Argos Transmitter Test