WIKA operating instructions ProcessCalibrator, model CPH6000
11069023.04 11/2012 GB/D
The digital instrument and the reference pressure sensor are connected to each other
electrically using a separate connecting cable. When exchanging the sensor, use the
8-pin plug connector at the sensor.
In order to make the electrical connection for a CPT6000 reference pressure sensor,
bring together the corresponding cable plug connector to the sensor (in line with the
orientation guide) and secure it using the connection sleeve (screw in the connection
sleeve clockwise without too much force). To loosen the connection, the connection
sleeve must be turned anti-clockwise. To disconnect the sensor, do not pull on the cable,
but rather only on the connector body.
For the connection to the CPH6000, the other end of the cable must also be brought
together in line with the orientation guide and secured using the connection sleeve
(screw in the connection sleeve without too much force). To loosen the connection, the
connection sleeve must be turned anti-clockwise. To disconnect the CPH6000, do not
pull on the cable, but rather only on the connector body.
2. Electrical connection using the extension cable for remote operation/use of the
CPT6000 pressure sensors
Only ever use the original WIKA extension cable for the remote
operation of CPT6000 reference pressure sensors, and never more
than a single cable.
4. Design and function
The connector must be disconnected
and connected, respectively, in accord-
ance with the instructions in 1.
4.4.3 Mechanical connection of CPT6000 reference pressure sensors to the
To make the mechanical connection of the CPT6000 reference pressure sensor, it must
be placed, connecting thread first, in the hexagonal sensor bracket of the instrument,
so that the hexagonal anti-rotation stop of the CPT6000 sits accordingly in the sensor
bracket. Subsequently, the sensor can be secured with the hand-operated, quick-
connect mechanism. (tighten = turn clockwise; release = turn anti-clockwise)