Subject to errors and modifications
2. Limit mode:
Select one or more sensors as triggers and after Min and/or Max
enter the limits which when exceeded should trigger an alarm.
Enter the send interval at which the alarm e-Mail should be sent.
For no alarm, enter a send interval of 0. Entering an
that an alarm is triggered whenever the limit is exceeded (high
or low). The temperature measurement is made each full minu-
te. If a limit is violated for the first time, the alarm is triggered
directly. As long as the temperature is still not within the valid
range, successive alarms are issued at the specified intervals.
You can also mix the operating modes. Note however
that an alarm is triggered asynchronous to the interval
and the interval for the alarm time is restarted.
Now specify whether the alarm is to be sent as an e-Mail or
SNMP trap.
The „Mail-Text“ is variable. To include temperatures in the text,
use the expression „<Tx>“, where x is the number of the tem-
perature sensor. All the sensors can be displayed regardless of
the „Trigger“ settings. To display the time and date informati-
on, use the expression „<Z>“.
Specify the e-Mail address of the recipient. To configure multi-
ple recipients, separate their e-Mail addresses with semicolons.
Specify an entry for the „Subject“ field.