2.1.2 ... using DHCP-/BOOTP protocol
Many networks use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Proto-
col) or BOOTP for centralized and dynamic assignment of the
IP addresses. Which of the two protocols are used makes not
difference to the Web-IO devices, since DHCP is simply a down-
ward compatible extension of BOOTP. DHCP servers thus also
use the requirements of BOOTP clients.
The MAC address is found on the label affixed to the housing:
- Click on the „Assign IP Address“ symbol:
- In the resulting window,k enter the desired IP address for the
device and confirm with „OK“: :
The device acknowledges the entry with an audible tone (2x/
8x Thermometer only) and accepts the set IP address. After
clicking again on the Scan button, this address is displayed in
the WuTility.
OK xxxxxx