Subject to errors and modifications
2.1.4 ... over the serial interface
In contrast to the procedure described above, you can change
an already existing IP address for the Web-IO 8x Thermometer
over the serial interface.
Connect the RS232 port on the unit to a PC and start a terminal
program (e.g. Hyperterminal). Establish a direct connection
through your COM port and set the serial properties
9600 baud,
no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no protocol
. Perform a reset by in-
terrupting the supply voltage on the unit. When the green Sta-
tus LED comes on, enter (on the terminal) the letter „x“ at least
three times until the message
appears. Now
e n t e r t h e I P a d d r e s s i n t h e u s u a l d e c i m a l f o r m a t
(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) and confirm your entry with
Backspacing will not correct an error in entering text.
The procedure must be repeated.
If the entry was correct, the assigned IP address is acknowled-
ged, otherwise the monitor shows the current IP address along
with the message
. This procedure may be repeated as
often as desired.
If you want to shut down the BOOTP (DHCP) functionality in
this status directly, type a „-0“ behind the IP-address
You will need a null modem cable for connecting to a terminal:
Web-IO Thermometer
IP no.+<ENTER>:
Web-IO Thermometer
Web-IO Thermometer
Web-IO Thermometer