WIENER, Plein & Baus GmbH
xxusb_longstack_execute function
Executes stack array passed to the function and returns the data read from the VME bus
In the case of VM-DBA, passes WRITE data to the utility FIFO of VM-DBA or reads
waveform FIFO data and returns these to the USB interface
int xxusb_longstack_execute{
HANDLE hDevice,
void *DataBuffer,
int lDataLen,
int timeout
[in] Handle to the XX-USB device.
pointer to the dual use buffer; when calling DataBuffer contains (unsigned short)
stack data, with first word serving as a placeholder, upon successful return,
DataBuffer contains (unsigned short) VME data
The number of bytes to be fetched from VME bus - not less than the actual
number expected, or the function will return -5 code. For stack consisting only of
write operations, lDataLen may be set to 1.
The time in ms that should be spent tryimg to write data.
Return Values
When Successful, the number of bytes read from xxusb.
Upon failure, a negative number