Chapter 5
20.08.2014 Working
Page 37 of 68
5.3.6. Heating-up
After reaching the prescribed revolving bead height reduce the pressure, therefore release
the star screw: <
> until the heating pressure has reduced almost to zero (
Now the heating time begins. Press the stop watch and compare actual time with the target
time taken from the table.
Necessarily retighten the star screw <
> still during heating.
5.3.7. Change-over
After the heating time has elapsed, open the machine tables with button: <
> until the
heating element is detached from both pipe ends.
Then, as fast as possible, move the heating element to the rear manually.
Then drive the pipes shock-free together with the cooling pressure via button <
> until
the pressure is displayed at the pressure gauge. Turn the pressure relief valve <
until the added pressure is shown on the pressure gauge (cooling pressure = bead-p
The maximum time frame for this process is specified by the value for the change-over time
taken from the table.
5.3.8. Joining
After the welding pressure build-up press the stop watch and keep button <
> pressed
for about 10 seconds in order that the hydro memory can fill up.
Press the stop watch.
After the cooling time has elapsed, release the pressure, therefore release the star screw:
In case welding has been carried out with additional cylinder, now remove the cylinder and
put it on its holder at the left side of the machine.
Release the clamping nuts and manually take off the upper clamping tools.
Take out the welded pipe.
Open machine tables with button: <
> to the right.
W e l d i n g i s c o m p l e t e d .