Step 18
– Apply glue to the control horn base and posts (above left). Glue the control horns
into the cut slots in the ailerons, elevator and rudder. Slide the horns so that the push-rod
holes line up over the center of the hinge (above right). Save the 4 horn back plates as they
will be used for push-rod stand off guides later.
NOTE: All horns should be glued on the flat
hinge side opposite of the cut bevels.
Step 19
– Locate and install the extended
Step 20
– Straighten the servo arm so that
aileron servo arm. If the servo arm doesn't the push rods will be even lengths. Assemble
fit on your servo you can flip it over and one of your aileron push rod which includes
CA glue it to your existing servo arm and a 5 ¾” 1.5mm rod, 1 z-bend, 1 adjustable
heat shrink it. z-bends and 2 pieces of shrink tube. Lightly
sand each end of the carbon fiber push rod and
the z-bends where they will connect.
Place a piece of cardboard or card-stock around
the control horn so that you do not apply heat
directly to the EPP when shrinking as pictured.