Step 5
– Lay all pieces on your flat/level
Step 6
Layout the horizontal plane pieces and
work surface. Use food cans or other glue together making sure they are
weights to hold them flat so that they don't correctly. Allow the glue to dry.
NOTE: Make
dry warped. Let the glue dry.
sure all hinge bevels are on the same
Step 7
– Locate the bottom vertical
fuselage and trim the 3 most rearward
tabs about 1/8” as shown. Trial fit the
bottom fuse into the horizontal fuse to
insure a good fit. Make sure the front of
the vertical fuse lines up well with the
front of the horizontal fuse where the
motor will mount.
NOTE: Make sure
when you glue that you are gluing the
bottom fuselage to the bottom of the
plane. The cut hinge bevels should be
facing up.
Step 8
– Apply a liberal bead of glue to the
Step 9
– Use an angle to insure that the fuselage
bottom vertical fuselage, press down to the is square. Make sure that the vertical fuselage