Measuring / Testing the Wheel sensor
The sensor height to be measured is the vertical distance between the top of the green
sensor body, and the top of the crown of the rail.
The sensor height should be 42 to 45mm.
If the lubricator has not used the amount of grease that is required for this lubricator since
the last time that it was maintained.
Check that the sensor heights are the same as when the lubricator was last maintained.
You may find that the sensor height has changed due to loose bolts on the mounting bracket
causing the assembly unit to move, check the bolts and tighten if necessary. If necessary
reset the heights once all other checks have been carried out.
If the sensor height has been reset on this visit record the new heights.
Check the sensor is operating:
With the Control Panel powered, a ‘green’ LED will be visible at one end of the wheel sensor
(opposite end to cable entry). If the lamp is not illuminated there is no power to the sensor
and the cause should be investigated.
With the Control Panel powered, move a solid metallic ferrous object (i.e. 2lb Ball Pein
hammer) over the sensor. The second indicating LED should illuminate ‘yellow’ to show the
sensor has detected the object.
Repeat the test with a person viewing the red sensor-indicating lamp on the Control Panel.
The lamp should illuminate when the sensor is activated.
Adjusting / Replacing Pump Sensor
The pump sensor is located on the side plate of the grease gear pump. It is identified by the
grey wire and the two M8 lock nuts.
To remove the sensor undo the two M8 lock nuts and unbolt the sensor from the grease
pump side plate.
Ensure no debris enters the pump sensor port whilst the sensor is removed.
To install a new sensor, first check that there is no dirt in the threads and that the sensor
threads are also clear of debris. Screw the sensor body into the grease pump side plate by
hand. The sensor will go in until there is only 8~10 mm (5/16~3/8”) of the sensor body
showing. It is screwed in until the end of the sensor touches the gear inside the pump body.
When screwing the sensor into the pump side plate take extra care not to force the sensor,
but make sure it does just touch the gear inside the pump. Thread the two lock nuts onto
the wire and screw onto the rear of the sensor. DO NOT tighten at this stage.
With the sensor touching the gear in the pump, UNSCREW the sensor ½~
of a turn and
lock in-place with the two M8 nuts.
This provides the necessary running clearance for the sensor.
To test: Connect the pump sensor and the motor to a control box connected to a 12V
battery (as per the wiring diagram).