Measuring the Reservoir
Systems without external grease level indication
This measurement is the only true guide to how much grease the lubricator has used
since it was last visited. It is necessary to have the previous recordings of the last
inspection, this will enable you to make judgements and carry out corrective action if
needed without any guesswork.
Using a flexible steel tape, insert it through the top of the reservoir, holding the tape
vertical extend until the end is touching the top of the grease surface.
Check exactly the measurement (in millimetres) from the surface to the top of the
Record this measurement and compare it to the data that you have brought to site.
By subtracting the final measurement recorded from the last time the lubricator was
maintained from the measurement you have recorded this time would give you the
grease used in millimetres.
Cabinet Maintenance
The cabinet should be cleaned at each site visit and any damage to the paintwork attended
to help prevent corrosion, damage could result from stone chips and general trackside
activity in the vicinity.
It is important that both door locks are lubricated at each visit to ensure effective long-
term operation.
Any water from rain or condensation should be removed so the inside of the cabinet is dry.
In extreme environments where condensation forms then a suitable desiccant or dryer
should be installed.
Battery Maintenance
The battery is not maintenance free and standard practices should be employed to
correctly maintain by trained operatives. This test will include:
Check battery fluid levels regularly, and top up with distilled water as necessary.
Typically checks should be at two to three months intervals and this would tie in
with normal lubricator maintenance schedules.
This lubricator uses a 12V-100Ah battery which contains an acid based fluid, the electrolyte. Care must be taken to avoid the
electrolyte coming in contact with the skin or clothing as the electrolyte may cause severe burns.
If the electrolyte contacts the skin wash with large quantities of clean water and seek medical advice.
DO NOT expose the battery to naked flames or cigarettes
During the charging process hydrogen gasses are vented from the battery and these gasses when mixed with the air may
explode if ignited.