Lubricators supplied before April 2011 will have an industrial battery charger.
The design allows for input voltage of 110VAC or 220VAC, the charger must be configured as below
for the correct incoming voltage.
An LED on the left side of the charger indicates operation and provides basic fault finding:
LED on
Battery charging
LED blinking
Incorrect battery connection,
Battery fuses blown,
Very low battery
Check incoming supply voltages.
Do not connect the mains supply to the MCB or remove the MCB cover or the battery charger
cover unless fully trained and certified electrician.
The closed charger opens by lifting the left side of the cover
against you and pull the cover to the left, see picture above.
The Jumper Block for incoming main power is placed in the
right lower corner, see right above and below photo. The
Jumper Block should be on the:
two lower pins for 220V
two higher pins for 110V.
Close the cover.