Thank you for purchasing the Whest Audio whestTHREE Signature phonostage.
As you know, this unit is designed to retrieve the maximum amount of information from your vinyl LPs.
It does this by using proprietary low noise audio circuitry as well as a newly developed filter which
together with the RIAA filter enables the whestTHREE to playback up to 56Khz.
Brief history
The RIAA curve was designed many years ago to enable the use of vinyl as a playback medium. Back
then the humble stylus and audio electronics could really only playback a very limited bandwidth. A
system bandwidth of 12Khz was quite rare. Nowadays most systems have a bandwidth of 100Khz; the
modern day cartridge can playback frequencies beyond 60Khz –
so why continue to use a
phonostage with a filter curve designed for systems designed in the 1950s?