9. If all is OK, just switch on. 2 small RED LEDs will glow on the front panel of the whestTHREE –
this indicates that all is OK and both channels are operational.
10. Select the correct source input on the amplifier / preamplifier.
11. You are now ready to go, so play an LP, sit back and enjoy!
It may take several hours before the whestTHREE settles down to work efficiently, but generally 4-6
hours is sufficient time for the sensitive components to find their ‘steady state’ working temperature.
The whestTHREE has been designed to be simple to integrate into any audio or computer based
system. Please familiarise yourself with the rear panel layout
Fig. 1
& HVDM supply rear layout
Fig. 2
as it will make connecting, unplugging and cleaning easier.