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Aura8ip / Jan 2012
A u r a 8 i p P r o G U I
A Word About Our Controls
The control at left is typical of those found in the Pro GUI. To increase
its value, left click on the UP arrow. To decrease its value, left click on
the DOWN arrow. If you wish to quickly move to a value, you may click
and hold the UP or DOWN arrows and the control will scan to the end
of its range.
Another option is to double-click in the numeric field of the control which
will open up a dialogue where you can input the value you want. If the
value is not within the range of the controller, the controller will return
to the last known good value that was selected.
Controls that have a DOWN arrow but no UP arrow are drop down
menus. Usually, only 2 or 3 fixed options are available within this type
of control. Click the arrow, select the parameter and the drop down menu
will automatically close, having selected and displayed the new value.
Input Controls
The upper left corner of the Pro GUI hosts the Input settings for the
selected processor instance. Here, the input levels and left/right balance
can be adjusted, and there are also options for reversing the phase of both
left and right channels (Abs. Phase), swapping channels (L/R Reverse)
summing the left and right input to mono (Mono (Sum L+R)) and turning
on and off the phase rotator.
The input level range is adjustable between -36dB to +12dB with a set-
ting of 0dB referencing a peak input level of -12dBFS. Left/right channel
balance may be corrected by +/-12dB from 0dB (default).
High Pass Filter (HPF)
The purpose of a high pass filter is to remove or re-
duce low frequency signals that are in the audio, but may
not be a desired part of the audio. Whatever frequency
is chosen as the Cutoff Frequency is the frequency at
which the response to undesired signals will be reduced
by 3dB (half power). The high pass response is that of
a critically damped fourth order filter.
The high pass filter (HPF) in the Aura8ip is designed
a bit differently than those found in other processors in
that it has the ability to reduce undesired low frequency
noise in the sum (mono) signal, or the difference (stereo) signal, or both. It does this by
using its two different high pass filter operating modes as explained next.